October 3rd & 5th in Kuala Lumpur

Discover An Easy Way For ​Malaysians To Start Their Own Profitable Online Business Working From Home.

Even if you do NOT have a product, a business idea, a website or more than 60 minutes a day to spare.

As Seen On:

Important: You do NOT need a business idea or advanced technical skills to participate in the Digital Business Jumpstart. This workshop is suitable for anyone with a desire to start your own Internet business in your spare time.

From The Desk Of: Derek Gehl 
On August 14, 2019 
In West Vancouver, Canada

Dear Aspiring Digital Entrepreneur,

If you want a fantastic new online business you can start from home in your spare time… then what you’re about to discover could literally change your life.

This is the most exciting online business model I’ve ever told people about… for even complete novices.

You can tap into a market that is worth over $400 billion worldwide and already giving people more money, more time and more freedom than they ever dreamed of.

How do I know?

I’ve done it. And I’ve trained hundreds of people to do it too.

And I'm inviting a very limited number of motivated people in Malaysia - who take action TODAY - to attend a one-day intensive training where I will teach you how to build an online business where...

  • You don’t need your own products
  • You don’t need to handle and ship anything
  • You don’t need any fancy technical skills
  • You rarely need to talk to customers
  • You don’t even need to manually process payments. The money just appears in your bank account.

And your business can be run from anywhere in the world so your online business is running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ... while you’re asleep, at work or spoiling your family.

Imagine what your life will be like could be like...

You’ll wake up in the morning, and as you enjoy your first cup of coffee you’ll check on your phone to see how many orders came in while you were fast asleep.

"Nice," you think as you see 6 new orders at $47 … 2 orders at $97 and 1 at $297 that came in overnight.

That’s $773 already for the day and the products have already been sent to your buyers without you needing to lift a finger.

What will you do for the rest of the day?

Time for breakfast with your spouse after you take the kids to school?

Will you go shopping for some new clothes?

How about lunch? It’ll sure be nice scanning through the menu looking at the dishes instead of the prices.

It seems like a dream, yet this is what life is like for many online entrepreneurs and it’s what your life could be like too.

And if this sounds like what you’re looking for then register now for a Digital Business Jumpstart 1 day intensive workshop in Malaysia.

October 3rd & 5th - The Boulevard Hotel, Midvalley, KL

Who is Derek Gehl?

Unless you’ve been involved in Internet marketing, have attended one of my past events or listened to my podcast then chances are you’ve never heard of me… and honestly, I prefer it that way.
You see, my primary business is NOT running seminars and conferences.
In fact, 11 out of every 12 months you will find me at home spending time with my family or at one of my favourite vacation spots managing and growing one of my many Internet businesses.

Derek on NTV7

Derek on Channel News Asia

I don’t want to sound like I am bragging but I want you to fully understand who I am and what I’ve been able to accomplish over my career as a serial Internet entrepreneur…

Pioneering new ways to help ordinary people from all walks of life build extraordinary businesses on the Internet!

Now I know your time is valuable so I am going to give you the condensed version...

After dropping out of college in 1996, and on a shoestring budget with NO formal education, I’ve grown to become a highly recognized and respected name in Internet marketing based on the many Internet successes I’ve had, including…

Building the first and largest online community and portal for online marketers generating over $1,200,000 in sales annually

Guiding the Internet Marketing Center from a US$25 investment to over $30,000,000 per year in sales before selling it to a major private equity firm for a high 8-figure sum in 2009.

Appearing as the featured speaker at 100+ Internet marketing and wealth building conferences, with audiences ranging from 50 to 6,000 people in North America, Asia, Europe and Australia.

Starting numerous websites in multiple niche markets to personally test and prove my systems and strategies can work ANYWHERE…

While at the same time coaching and consulting with dozens of companies in multiple industries, from health supplements to software and technology to major publishing companies.

Why I Really Love What I Do...

Sure, I’m proud of the achievements I just shared with you, but at the end of the day those achievements are just numbers. Yes, those numbers have given me the ability to take care of my family and give them the life I want them to have which, as a husband and father, I am proud of. But if I look back over my career and reflect on what my biggest accomplishments were, the ones that have made a positive impact on this planet, they are without question…

The thousands (I lost count years ago!) of regular people with regular families just like yours who I have empowered to create their own successful websites and businesses on the Internet.

It’s the lives I’ve been able to impact and change by sharing my systems and training with people just like you who were finally ready to listen, learn and take action. 

Ordinary People -  Extraordinary Lives

Over the past 15 years I’ve coached, consulted and trained people from all walks of life, from all around the world, on how to start an online business and these are just a few examples...

And this is just a tiny sample of the literally thousands of people from all over the world who have used my system to start and grow their first online business.

What Do These People Have In Common?

Apart from all making money on the internet, not one of them came from an IT or a business background.

Yet they very quickly put together easy to run businesses on the internet which bring in the money.

And today there’s never been a better time to start your own online business.

Here’s 4 Reasons Why There's Never Been A Better Time To Start Your Online Business

REASON #1: You don't need a product idea

I know what you’re thinking. How can you start a business without a product?

Of course, you need a product to sell. However you don’t need to have one to begin with.

In fact, at the Digital Business Jumpstart workshop I'll reveal two websites that combined, give you over 100,000 different products you can start selling right away.

All you do is find a really hot market (I’ll show you a really clever way to do this), then use these two websites to find items to sell to them.

In fact once you know this your biggest problem won’t be not having something to sell... It’ll be having too many options!

REASON #2: You don’t need any fancy technical skills

Most people think you need to be some kind of internet whiz-kid to set up a business like this.

They’re wrong.

Sure ten years ago you still needed to write code to build a website.

But not today!

There are easy to use tools which are perfect for complete novices which let you create websites in minutes.

Simply put, if you can type a letter in Microsoft Word or Apple Pages and surf the Internet, then I can teach you how to build a website.

For example...

Taposie Chaudhury from Malaysia was a total novice, and she sells her own ebooks online.

And when Colleen Anderson, a grandmother (yes, a grandmother) from Melbourne took my training to become an online entrepreneur her kids laughed at her.

Well she didn’t care. Even though she had barely any computer skills to start with she learnt how to build her own websites online and she loves it. Colleen is living proof that anyone, no matter their age or previous experience can build an online business.

REASON #3: An Internet business is the CHEAPEST business you can start

If you're looking for a way to make extra money or eventually replace your job altogether, then realize this:

Forget spending a fortune buying an existing business.

All you need is a basic website and some inexpensive software, and you can launch your internet business and …

… start making sales for just a couple hundred dollars.

Maybe even less.

  • There’s no inventory to buy.
  • No rent to pay.
  • No branding to invest in.

You can start with almost nothing and turn it into your own 6 or even 7 figure empire. 

There is no other business in the world that you can start for so little money that can generate such a massive return.

REASON #4: It takes almost no time to run an online business

For years online business owners have been keeping a massive secret from you.

Once a business is set up, they don’t have to work very hard to keep it running.

They don’t process orders, rarely talk to customers or even send products out.

Almost all of the day-today operations can be entirely automated.

Once their site is up and running they make sales 24/7 and just spend a few hours a week looking after them to try some new advertising, add more products or start new ventures.

And today, with newer tools and software for non-technical people who don’t have much time, and who need it all to be easy it’s like child’s play.

As little as 5 – 10 hours a week is all it takes to create and run your online business.

And the more time you put in, the faster and bigger the results you will get.

Look at Edwin Ong from Penang.

Edwin has 15 websites making him $40,000 a year, and he only spends 3 hours a month running them all.

Here’s some of what you’ll discover at the Digital Business Jumpstart:

My 6 step process to building and scaling an online business for under $200, even if you don’t have a product or much spare time

Why you should avoid Amazon and dropshipping. I’ll reveal why, (despite what people say) they are the worst businesses you can to start

A secret source of in-demand products anyone can purchase the rights to for as little as $5 each and start selling on your website.

How to make 4 times more money than most online businesses – just add this to an online business and watch profits soar

The single easiest and simplest way for any online business to double or even triple their profits immediately – an obvious strategy which nevertheless eludes 9 out of 10 internet entrepreneurs. (This one revelation could make this one day even a million dollar experience for you)

Free products that can sell for insanely high prices – even the marketing is done for you

How to get other people to give you the names and email addresses of people on their customer databases … 100% legally

How one man makes over $1,100,000 selling bird products – you’ll discover his secrets for astonishing growth, making 3 times more money, eliminating the need for employees and having more fun while he does it

How I make money sending email, even when I don’t have my own email list

8 research websites which tell you with almost absolute certainty exactly how big your market is and how many buyers are there. Don’t guess, do this instead.

This Solves Your Problem Of
NOT Having A Product To Sell

Over the course of our day together you’ll see dozens and dozens of different products other people are selling right now.

Even if you don’t think you can find a product you’ll realize how easy it is. Best of all, a lot of these products are being sold by people who know almost nothing about them.

By the time you’ve finished this training you’ll know exactly how to access over 100,000 pre-made products you can sell and discover raging hot markets for them.

Your biggest problem won’t be not having a product to sell, it’ll be having too many products to choose from.

Yes, YOU Can Create Websites Without Any Technical Skills

If you’re worried you don’t know how to build a website then here’s even better news.

At the workshop I'll reveal the easiest way to create websites even if you have very limited technical skills. As long as you can use Microsoft Word and comfortably surf the Internet you can build your very own high profit website.

Like I said before, it’s so easy I even taught a Grandmother from Australia who barely knew how to use a computer how to build her own websites.

There’s more too. You’ll also discover…

  • How to take your simple product and turn it into 4 new products, and charge more and more for each one. You can take a simple $27 digital product and turn it a $97 product … a $297 product and a $1,297 product.
  • The simple change which doubled the number of sales from one of my student’s websites
  • The instant trust building secret of a world-famous psychologist which gets people to trust you instantly
  • Hypnotic websites - the secret to getting people to stay on your website and do exactly what you want them to do
  • Lazy money – how to sell other people’s products to your buyers
  • Even lazier money - how to get other people to sell your products for you
  • How to put your business on auto-pilot so you can make sales while you’re asleep, at work or out spoiling your family
  • The one question to ask yourself which suddenly makes getting buyers to your website a breeze
  • 6 ways to get people to your website for free
  • … and why paid traffic is even better than free traffic. Plus the 6 best ways to get a continuous flood of paying customers to your website every day of the week
  • My system for building cash-producing websites on the Internet for less than $25
  • Webpage design secrets – why ‘ugly’ websites sell more than ‘pretty’ ones. And there’s no design skills required!
  • The 4 factors which determine how much you’ll really make. And none of them have anything to do with ‘pretty’ websites
  • The secret to getting people buying on the spot. Remember, people will whip out their credit card in a flash when you do this
  • The law of compounding returns – this simple law guarantees your business will always be getting bigger and bigger
  • The astonishing power of cross-promotions – I haul in thousands of extra dollars of free profit which everyone else is leaving behind and I’ll show you how I do it.
  • 3 stages of a successful business — take your business from nothing to a biz that runs itself and makes you more and more money with less and less work
  • The perfect webpage – you’ll see real-life examples of webpages which are hauling in the money. And you have my permission to copy and duplicate them. Just this alone could make the entire day worthwhile
  • And the two websites where you can access over 100,000+ of the world’s best products to sell – and you can sell anything on there for free

Phew! That’s quite a list, isn’t it.

And that’s not all. You’re getting the entire process for setting up your business, finding hot markets and products which they’ll buy like crazy, and how to scale your business bigger and bigger.

How To Reserve YOUR Seat

I’ve run training sessions like these for as much as $2,000USD a day.

However I’m not going to charge anything like that.

I’m not even going to charge you $1,000.

Or even $500.

Because I want to share this amazing business with as many people as I can.

Which means, the price to reserve a seat is ZERO.

Yes, I am inviting a limited number of people to attend this 1-day only, intensive training FOR FREE.

In the future I will be increasing the price to attend because live training events like this are very expensive to run.

So be SURE to act today, before simple economics forces me to increase the price.

And Just In Case You’re Still Undecided

You see, I can understand you might still be skeptical.

So how about I promise you’re going to walk away with a complete step-by-step plan to starting and growing your very own internet business.

You’ll know how to find hot markets and hot products to sell them.

And you’ll know how scale your business with more, higher priced products to double, even triple your profits.

And, let’s also remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.

You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days”, which turns into months… or even years?

Let’s just face facts, do the only SMART thing left for you to do: take advantage of this one time only workshop while you still can.

You Have To Be Quick
You Have To Be Decisive

In my experience those who really succeed in life are people who spot an opportunity and go for it.

So if you know this is the lifestyle you want then you need act immediately and reserve your spot.

I’ve already booked the room and it only holds a maximum of 300 people.

Normally when I run events like this I end up with way more people than that wanting to come.

Which means you need to be quick because once the room fills up I won’t be able to add any more seats, and you’ll miss out.

I’m sure you don’t want to miss this opportunity, right?

Especially knowing other people will be walking away with the exact blueprint to start their own online business.

The Ball Is Now In Your Court
It’s Up To YOU Which Way It Bounces

I hope by now you realize how close the amazing life of an internet entrepreneur is.
It has the potential to completely transform your life and the lives of those around you.

And you’re now one step away from starting your own internet business and living the life most others only ever dream of.

This is not like anything else out there.

And since you are still with me, then odds are you’re ready to do whatever it takes to be successful, right?

So as long as you understand …

  • There is no such thing as a magic pill or magic bullet …
  • You will need to do some work up front to reap the rewards …
  • And you have to be serious about the changes you want in your life, 

… then book your spot now.

You have what it takes to achieve and live the life of your dreams running your very own business on the internet which you can be proud of.

The ball is now in your court.

If you want you can smash it back over the other side and become a winner. 

I can’t wait to share this exciting information with you.

Derek Gehl
Founder of the Digital Business Jumpstart

P.S. Where will you be in 30 days if you choose not to attend?

Probably stuck in your job making someone else rich knowing you could be on your way to replacing your income and more with your own internet business. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. 

Register now and start living the life you dream of and deserve.

P.P.S. If you have a loved one, a wife or husband, fiance or a girlfriend or boyfriend then I encourage you to bring them along too.

This is a great business to run together.

And since you’re both going to enjoy the money and lifestyle it brings then you should both be involved.

All the seating is general seating so even if you book at different times you’ll both be able to sit together.

DISCLAIMER: Despite the fact we can document many of our students have started digital businesses and are profitable, anyone attending a workshop on business models must be aware as in any business there is inherent risk. There is no guarantee or warranty that attendees will have the same or similar results as these people.

This event is for reference only and does not constitute any business advice. Investors are advised to seek independent advice before investing in any business product(s) or adopting any business strategies.