Issue #3

Episode with

Happy Monday!

Well I made it all the way to the 3rd issue of the Profit Report newsletter before deciding to trash the entire format and start over. Here’s why…

Last week I interviewed an email deliverability expert by the name of Chris Lang and he shared some extremely valuable tips to ensure your emails land in the inbox instead of ‘Junk’ or ‘Promotions’ folder.

So here are the changes I’m making to ensure the Profit Report makes it to YOUR inbox…

(TIP: There’s a valuable lesson in this for YOU)

1. Eliminating images. Chris said you could have one image, but more than one image can trigger filters.

2. Avoiding fancy formatting. This really comes down to the HTML code under the hood. Too much of this can put you in the “Promotions” folder on Gmail.

3. One link only. Too many links is yet another trigger getting you stuck in the junk or promotions folder.

So how the heck am I going to deliver a valuable weekly newsletter without any images, links or fancy formatting?

Here’s the solution: I’m going to split it up!

MONDAY: I’m going to send you the Profit Report with links to the latest articles and interviews. Short and to the point.

WEDNESDAY: I’m going to send you the #AskDerek answer of the week.

FRIDAY: I’m going to finish off the week with a review for a tool or resource I use to run a 7-figure virtual business.

This will help me give you the most value and get past those pesky filters!

The fact is, we don’t pay enough attention to our email deliverability and there are some very valuable lessons right here in this email. The interview with Chris Lang (the deliverability Jedi) will be published later this week and you don’t want to miss it!

In the meantime, I published two interviews last week you’ll want to listen to:

#1. LinkedIn Lead Generation Hacks: In this interview LinkedIn marketing expert, Dave Rosenmoger shared some killer tactics for generating free leads on Linkedin.

#2. Marketer and copywriter Sean D’Souze broke down the psychology of the sales process in an absolutely brilliant and understandable way.

You can find both of these at:

And remember, if you never want to miss an email, make sure you add to your whitelist!

To your success…

Derek Gehl

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