Episode Summary - Gordon Glenister
Thinking of hiring an influencer? There’s a lot of buzz about Influencer Marketing exploding new business growth, but… can it work for you?
In this episode, Influencer strategist Gordon Glenister drops the hammer on who should... and who should NOT hire Influencers to promote their business.
You’ll also hear up-to-date Influencer strategies that are working today (simple, yet surprisingly effective… and so easy to implement, anyone can do it).
This episode is a real gem for anyone considering Influencer Marketing for business promotion.
And if you’re interested in becoming an Influencer yourself, this will be the most exciting podcast you hear this year.
Here’s why: In this episode, Gordon Glenister sneaks you past the velvet rope into Influencer Marketing Royalty. You’ll see how MICRO-Influencers are cashing in big… and he reveals a simple blueprint for quickly getting started from scratch.
Thanks very much for the PodCast Derek.
We've had no success with influencers either but now at least I can see why. Our expectation was wrong. We thought we'd provide the content, the influencer(s) would promote it to their audience and sales would result. Boy we were wrong.
However, sometimes the influencers themselves set up expectations which are not realistic, for example they indicate and even at times promise that more sales will result from using them!
Yup. When I started, I had the wrong expectation as well but as you said, a lot of influencers overpromise as well.